(Thanks to Vincenz Dreger for reverse engineering and sending me the protocol.)
Caveat: please note that there seems to be no official documentation about
the used protocol (but see “S” command below), and everything described here
is the result of snooping the USB bus and analyzing the data when controlling
the logger via the Windows software. So, the information here might be
(partially) wrong and/or incomplete. Use at your own risk.
The built-in USB-Chip is a CP2102 from Silicon Laboratories (SiLabs).
ELV has changed the VID/PID to 18EF/E032. If you’re running on older Linux
kernel, you might therefore need to use an updated kernel driver (cp201x)
provided with the script on GitHub. Use lsusb
to check if the TFD500 is
The serial interface parameters are 115200,8N1. The protocol is simple: the PC
sends a command sequence to the logger and the logger answers with an
appropriate message. All data transfers are in ASCII format with the exception
of the actual data points, which will be sent in binary format.
The command sequences are case sensitive. Commands themselves are
single characters and — depending on the command — may be followed
by parameters. All parameters must be specified immediately after the
command (no space between command and parameter, but there may be spaces
between individual parameters). The response always starts with repeating
the command character, eventually followed by the actual value of the
response. The protocol does not use a start or stop byte.
The data logger can be read out during a recording but configuration
can only be changed when the recording was stopped.
Known query command sequences
Command: | v |
Parameters: | <none> |
Response: | v<Major.Minor.Revision><cr><lf> |
Example: | v1.0.005 |
Description: | Get version number as a string. |
Command: | a |
Parameters: | <none> |
Response: | a<value> |
Example: | a0 |
Description: | Check whether or not the logger is currently recording. <value>
is either 0 (not recording) or 1 (recording in progress) |
Command: | o |
Parameters: | <none> |
Response: | oC<value> I<value> T<> <HH:MM:SS> |
Example: | oC1 I2 T20.07.15 12:34:56 |
Description: | C=recording mode (0: Temp, 1: Temp+Humidity); I=recording interval
(0: 10sec, 1: 1min, 2: 5min); T=Current date (day.month.year) and
current time (hour:minutes:seconds) |
Command: | d |
Parameters: | <none> |
Response: | d<numrecords> <> <HH:MM:SS> |
Example: | d000010 20.07.15 11:44:56 |
Description: | Get number of records and start date/time. <numrecords> is a
6-digit number with leading zeroes. During recording, the record number
changes only when a complete data block (256 bytes) has been written
to the flash memory. |
Command: | F |
Parameters: | <recordnum> |
Response: | F<thi tlo ... (256 Bytes)> or F<thi tlo hum ...(256 Bytes)> |
Example: | F0000 |
Description: | Read a binary data block of 256 bytes from flash memory. Parameter is the
4-digit record number (with leading zeroes) to read. Block counting starts
at zero (i.e. 0000). Depending on the logging mode, either two or three
bytes per data point will be sent. The temperature values are to be
interpreted as 16bit values (MSB first) with 1/10°C resolution. The
humidity value can be taken directly. Because the USB protocol is block
oriented, the last data block may contain more data points than available.
These excess points have to be ignored. In addition, for data blocks
containing humidity values, only the first 255 bytes are used. |
In addition to the above query commands, there’s another method to read the
data records: if you send an “S” character, the logger immediately starts
printing data records (as text using “OpenFormat”) until either the end or
you send an “E” character. The following is an example output:
$N$;TFD500: 0xD762D0175B4F0F30
$C$;Temperatur[°C,T];rel. Huminity[%];abs. Huminity[g/m^3];Dew Point[°C,DP]
$+28.6; 50;+14.05;17.2
$+28.7; 50;+14.12;17.2
$+28.6; 50;+14.05;17.2
$+28.7; 50;+14.12;17.2
$+28.7; 51;+14.41;17.6
$+28.7; 50;+14.12;17.2
$+28.7; 50;+14.12;17.2
And yes, as of version v01.00.05, there are spelling errors in the output
(still not corrected in v01.00.06, a.k.a. v1.1.000).
As far as I know, LogView can be used to read this format. The python script
does not use it (but it can also calculate approximate values for absolute
humidity and the dew point).
Command: | T |
Parameters: | HH:MM:SS |
Response: | T |
Example: | T20.07.15 12:34:56 |
Description: | Set the internal realtime clock. |
Command: | C |
Parameters: | <mode> |
Response: | C |
Example: | C1 |
Description: | Set the recording mode. 0 = temperature only, 1 = temperature and
humidity |
Command: | I |
Parameters: | 0 = 10 seconds interval, 1 = 1 minute interval,
2 = 5 minutes interval |
Response: | I |
Example: | I0 |
Description: | Set the recording interval. |
Command: | R |
Parameters: | <none> |
Response: | R |
Example: | R |
Description: | Clear the flash memory. Apart from the data record, this -
unfortunately - also resets the internal clock and deletes the last used
configuration. |
Command: | X |
Parameters: | <none> |
Response: | X |
Example: | X |
Description: | Factory reset. Restore all
factory defaults, set clock to 01.01.00 00:00:00 and reboot. |
Command: | ! |
Parameters: | <none> |
Response: | |
Example: | ! |
Description: | Upon receiving this command, the logger enters bootloader mode. |